Want to Support Our Purpose?
We are thankful for all of your prayers and support. Every gift helps one more person find lasting sobriety. Click here for our QUICK GIVE or read more about our programs below.
Why Give?
Few people understand the tenacity it takes to recover from an addiction. Many who find their way to Purpose House enter our doors spiritually, emotionally, and financially broke. Their friends and families no longer trust them because addiction is a family disease. Sooner or later everyone in the family is affected by the fallout.
It's a rare privilege to step in and help someone rebuilding his or her entire life. The men and women who commence from our homes emerge as strong, trustworthy, contributing members of society. Helping someone along on this journey is an honor.
Because self-sufficiency is a critical component of recovery, we don't ask for much. A helping hand to get started is often all our clients need. And giving benefits you too. Purpose House Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, so your gift is tax deductible.
We are pleased to offer the following programs to our clients, alumni, and Sarasota's recovery community. If one of these programs speak to your heart, would you please consider giving today?
Alec Benson Scholarship Program
The Alec Benson Scholarship Program honors Alec's life and sobriety. Donations made to Alec's Scholarship Program will help men and women who have completed their time served in both Sarasota and Manatee County Jails move into Purpose House. Read more...
Celebrate Recovery
Our Sunday night meeting welcomes almost 200 people a week. Every Sunday, we serve free hotdogs and drinks, and on the first Sunday of every month, we serve a free and delicious dinner to all of our guests. We also sponsor bowling nights, movie nights, and other sober outings. Your gift lets us share the love of Jesus Christ, feed more people, and sponsor more outings. Read more...
Fresh Start Program
Addiction and crime often go hand in hand. With the right support, people CAN recover and leave the crimes of their past behind. Unfortunately, when many people are ready to recover, they often don't have any money to buy groceries or even clothes for a job interview. Your gift can help these bright young men and women get a fresh start. Read more...
the fine print on giving
We are thankful for all of your prayers and support. Every gift helps one more person find lasting sobriety. And since it only takes one person in recovery to heal a whole family, your gift reaches far and wide. Thank you for partnering with us!
REGISTRATION: As required by The Florida Statues, Chapter 496, Solicitation of Funds, Purpose House Ministries, Inc., a Florida Not-For-Profit Corporation is currently registered to solicit contributions. REGISTRATION NUMBER: CH57409; A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES WEB SITE AT WWW.800HELPFLA.COM OR BY CALLING TOLL FREE 1-800-435-7352 WITHIN THE STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Federal Tax Identification is 81-1070735