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Our Success Stories

Our greatest joy is celebrating success stories! Many of our alumni move up and out to incredible lives. They find friends, jobs, careers, callings, partners, and spouses. We get to go to an alum’s wedding or cuddle their newborn baby. We laugh, cry, recover, and discover a life filled with purpose. A few days soon turn into weeks and then months of sober living success. Here are just a few of our alumni's many inspiring success stories. 



Kristen's recovery is a shining example to others still searching for help. She explains, "Today I live a life I'm proud of! I work a full-time job that I show up to on time. I pay my bills. I am honest and dependable. I give back every chance I get. I love myself for exactly what God created me to be."



Day by day, Sam confronted his demons, facing the pain and trauma that had haunted him for so long. With each passing day, he felt himself growing stronger, more resilient, more determined to reclaim his life from the grip of addiction. It was at Purpose House, Sam found more than just a haven—he found a purpose.



These days, Tiffany tours the country speaking about her addiction and recovery, but we knew her back when! Tiffany says, "My life is far more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed. I am forever indebted to Purpose House – for it was in that house; that I found my purpose."



Alec found hope in the Sarasota County Jail Men’s Recovery POD. Upon his release, he moved into Purpose House and celebrated his first year sober. Tragically, Alec was diagnosed with cancer and passed away in 2018. His parents created a scholarship fund in his memory.


Will Your Story Be Next?

We sure hope so. Purpose House's Fresh Start Program helps people turn their setback into their comeback. Keep reading more of inspiring success stories...

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