Alec's Fund
Fresh Start Program
Alec’s journey to sobriety spanned over 15 years with periods of being sober that were followed by relapses that included serious legal issues. As with many young adults he struggled to stay sober due to having a strong will and thinking he could run his own recovery program rather than what has been successfully outlined in Alcoholics Anonymous through the Big Book, the 12 Steps and Narcotics Anonymous. He finally found hope in the Sarasota County Jail Men’s Recovery POD and became willing to listen to others with long term sobriety by getting a sponsor and working the steps of recovery. Upon his release he went to Purpose House in Sarasota Florida taking advantage of an array of support services and resources including coaching and faith-based services with Celebrate Recovery. In March of 2017 he celebrated and earned a 1-year coin in the rooms of AA and was proud of his accomplishment.
Unfortunately, in June 2017 Alec was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and passed away in January of 2018. He is survived by his parents and a 9-year-old daughter all of whom loved him dearly. In establishing this scholarship in his memory, it is our wish to provide assistance to individuals who demonstrate a willingness to become sober. This scholarship will be funded during our life time to help those in need at Purpose House.
Bob & Lynn Benson